
Salthill Devon win Grassroots Lotto November Super Draw

by Salthill DevonNov 29, 2020

We are delighted to announce that Salthill Devon have won November Super Draw. Our name was drawn by Irish senior manager  Vera Pauw.

Salthill Devon FAI Grassroots lotto – A weekly lotto which has an overall jackpot prize as well as a weekly €50 in club winner.


Registrations are the club’s main income, but this doesn’t provide nearly enough to fund the day-to-day running of the football club.

With Covid, many of our usual fundraising avenues (Golf Outings, Quiz Nights, Race Nights etc.) are unavailable, so we are asking for your help in signing-up to our lotto. 50% of the money raised goes back to our club with most of the remainder being used for the prize fund.

The money raised will be used by the club for its day-to-day running & for purchasing equipment – footballs, bibs, goals, etc. and discounted gear for the kids.

What we Won !

An FAI Elite Training Session – A truly unique experience,

An elite training session for some of our members at the FAI Headquarters in Abbotstown. This will be hosted by FAI high performance coaches and will include video training analysis. The prize also includes €1,000 of training equipment.