RIP Dara McGuirk

Some of you may have known Dara McGuirk who sadly passed away last weekend. See arrangements below.
Dara played with the club underage as did his brothers, and his father, Jimmy, made a huge contribution to the development of our pitches at Millar’s Lane.
Over the past decade or so, Dara would have been an organiser of several games a week in the cages and ran a WhatsApp group “Drom Football Players” which includes over 120 guys who regularly play in Drom. But he was also a great guy.
Those who played with him in the cages are organising a guard of honour at 10:30am on Saturday morning from his home in Rockhill Avenue, Salthill.
We will be holding bibs for Dara as he makes his final journey. Should anyone like to join us for the guard of honour, please let me know. Thanks.
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