A Thank You Message from Zambia

Long time Salthill Devon, player coach and parent, Martin Ridge, his family and our own Conor Byrne were instrumental in organising the shipment of some kit to Zambia
Padraig Ó Fainín writes to say “Thanks from Zambia!!” and gives some insight into life in Kabwe.
Hi Evan ,Martin, Ciara, Conor and other members of Salthill Devon FC,
Greetings from Zambia.
We have a school with 332 children They come from the poorest situations you could imagine; they live in mud huts, one room usually, no, and I mean NO furniture, no water, very little food.
Our kids in Sables Nua have – literally – nothing; the only clothes they have are clothes we give them, almost the only food they have to eat is what we give them so when we started up soccer teams we managed to find some gear for them but always need more and especially boots.
At present they play in bare feet; I presume you play soccer yourself Evan? Can you imagine playing in bare feet – especially on rock-hard ground?
Now, thanks to you, we’ll have the best kitted out teams in Kabwe! Can you pass on my thanks, and the thanks of some of the poorest kids on the planet to your team mates and club mates and whoever gave you the boots and kit. When our kids get their hands, and feet!, on them they will be overcome with joy.
Maybe someday we’ll get Salthill Devon to come to Kabwe and play us in a friendly? (We’ll kick your A@@#S!!! – now that we have boots!).
We have u/12, u/14, u/17 boys’ teams and an u/14 girls and a Senior Girls’ team. Actually, our girls are way better than our boys at the moment!
Pádraig (aka Mr. Pat)